South B
10 km from city center
Closest access point to public transport is 50m
A maximum of 4 guests can be accommodated
- Twin Room
- Shared use of the family bathroom
- Size: 16.0m² (172.0 sqft)
- Facilities: TV, desk, internet access and mirror
- Twin room
- Shared use of the family bathroom
- Size: 20.0m² (215.1 sqft)
- Facilities: TV, desk and mirror
The room rate includes the following services: internet access, regular room cleaning.
Vegetarian meals are available.
- Eddie is 22 years old. He speaks English and Spanish. Eddie is at home every day. He is interested in fashion, cinema, music, reading, watching TV, foreign cultures, pets, the outdoors, sports, computer/internet, travel and talking with friends.
- Tony is 21 years old. He speaks English and German. Tony is at home every day. He is interested in travel, sports, computer/internet, pets, watching TV, photography, music and painting.
- Eric is 26 years old. He speaks English. Eric is away from home most of the time. He is interested in languages, travel, the outdoors, and music and talking with friends.
- At Eddie, Tony and Eric’s guests can stay for at least 100 nights and up to a maximum of 150 nights . Eddie, Tony and Eric have no children living at home.
- It is a non-smoking residence; the guests are allowed to smoke outside.
- The following pets live in the house: dog.